19. februar 2010


So those who have read my last blogpost know I'm about to make 5 $ grow to 5K. Well at least I'm trying to. I have so far had a hell, pardon my language, a hell of a ride. I started out yesterday with 5 dollars on action poker and sat down at a $0.01 - $0.02 table with 2 dollars. I started out pretty good as people here tend to be pretty loose, and I choose to play it pretty tight, and play my positions. After around 10 hands or so I look into AA in BB. I'm sitting 6 handed by the way. UTG raises to 10 cent, and every one calls. I think to myself I don't want to many people in this pot so decide to just put everything to the middle. I have around $1.97. UTG calls, fold, fold button calls, and small blind folds. I don't remember exactly how much the pot ended up in, but I was happy when I looked at my opponents hands. UTG had AJ and button with TQ. Nothing dangerous on the flop, turn or river and I ended up with around $6.20. As my rules state I have to leave with more than 50% of my original buy in, so I did. Now my roll was 9.20 or there about. (Don't worry. I will be better at remembering the exact numbers). I decided to buy in to a $1 MTT. It was a $50 GTD. 4 handed and only around 20 players. Well I ended up in 4th place, after being shortstack nearly the whole tourney. I won only $.5.20 dollars and was now up $14.40. I went to sleep a happy man. Well, today variance caught up with me. I started out 2-tabling some $0.01 - $0.02 with $2 on both tables. Now every poker player loves to have 1 or 2 donkeys at the table. But those who say they would love a whole table of donkeys aren't clever. Sorry if I offended anyone. 2 donkeys are great. A whole table full of maniacs just becomes annoying. I ended up all in on both tables with AA on one and KK on another. (Not the same time). AA got cracked by 99, he caught 99 on the flop so not much to do there. I just wrote nh and reloaded. On the other table my KK got cracked by 82o? Don't get why people move all in with these hands. Anyway, I again just said nh and reloaded. After some hands again I was down to around $7. I decided to play a $1 MTT. 100 GTD 40 players, 6 ITM. In this tourney I was at the table with a real maniac. (He told every one he had to go and kept going all in, but ended up playing the whole tourney and win). Well, as said before he went all in every hand. He knocked out one guy after another with bad hands. One time he did have a good hand though. I will give him that. I am around average with 17 players left looking down in to 99. I know he is going all in but I'm out of position so I just call in order to see what every one else does. Folding the whole way around. I call his all in and smile when I see he's holding J4o. Flop comes 275. So far so good. Turn brings a 4. I'm still good. River puts down an ugly 4. Bye bye Franck. I really got pissed, and maybe I should have quit for today. I ended up tilting on the cash games also and actually went down to $1.5 at one point. (Don't worry I was keeping my own rules). Well I did play on and I'm glad I did. Variance did turn around again, and my good hands did hold up against the weak. My bankroll is currently $13.47 and I'm in a $1000GTD with a $1 buy in. Cross your fingers and my roll might get a good boost today. Anyway I'm quite happy with me doubling the roll the first two days. 

Franck Sidenius

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