20. februar 2010

A nice boost.

Well I did play the $1000 GTD yesterday but unfortunately without luck. There is not really much to say about that tourney. It did not go as planned. Did not really catch any good hands and had to play some marginal hands when blinds got higher. Can't really sit and just wait for the aces you know. So today when I logged in, my roll was still $13.47 and I started the day with a couple of 6 handed $0.25+0.02 sit n' go's. I didn't start out to good, (6-3rd place in the first 5), so decided to play some cash instead. I sat down at 4 $0.01-$0.02 tables with $2 on each. So $8 on the tables total  and $4.12 left on the account. Some might say this is a bit risky, but I do prefer to multitable cashgames. I tend to get bored if not and play marginal hands, and we don't want that do we? Well again not much to say about the cashgames. It went as it should. Everything actually went as it should. My bluffs worked out perfect, my good hands did win and coinflips usually went my way. I took a small break after reaching $25 and looked through my hands to analyze my play a little. One thing I did notice was I in this session protected my blinds a lot more than I usually do. I played back on raises and when people decided to limp I raised. Of course not every time, but more than normal. This actually has turned out to be a good play for me, so I will keep on doing that.

Well a couple of hours later I spotted a $200 GTD with 24 players and 25 players was needed in order to get it going so I decided to give it a try. Only money to top 5 so decided to play only it tight. I folded hands like small pairs, AQs and one time even JJ when people raised. This tight image was a really big advantage as soon as I reached the final table. For some reason people started to play really really tight when blinds become fairly big, so I decided to do the exact opposite. Raised 9Ts, 56s and even bluffed a guy out of a pot with nothing more than 85o on a J7A flop.

Later on we ended up 3-handed. We did all have around 50K but with blinds at 4K and 8K, considering our stacks, it was really a hold em or fold em situation for all of us. I look down into K9s and decide to shove. BB says he has to make the call this time and shows up QT. With a Q77r flop I needed a K to take it down, but a 2 on the turn and a 9 on the river didn't help me. So out in 3rd place granting me $32. It's not a lot compared to the $80 for 1st place, but it really was a nice boost to my roll. 

I'm done playing for today and with a bankroll of $56.61 I am really satisfied how it all turned out. I'm now going to rail my friend Slutaments on FTP, playing the FTOPS 2.5 Mill. GTD. Good luck to him, hope he takes it down.

Franck Sidenius

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