22. februar 2010

Milestone reached.

Today at 22:13 I reached the first milestone of the Sidenius Challenge. I managed to move up one level. Now some might think this means I reached $80 and I'm allowed to play $0.02 - $0.04, but no! On the site I play we don't have $0.02 - $0.04. The next step up from $0.01 - $0.02 on this site is $0.03 - $0.06, so this means my roll is even bigger. I have managed to play it to $120 so far. I had a day of from the tables yesterday. I decided it was about time I had a day just having fun with my girlfriend instead. It has been a long time since I haven't turned on the computer and thought about poker, so it really was nice. So today it was just one of those days where everything works out. I have played mostly sng, and to be honest I think I have cashed in around 80%. So that is really good. Might also be the reason I have been able to reach the first milestone today. I have nothing more to add. Just wanted to update all of you about the status of my bankroll.

Have a nice day at the tables.

Franck Sidenius

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