13. februar 2010

Expert Blogging - How to?

A few days ago I decided to make a blog! Yes! Everyone does it so why not me? It was not like it just came to me, but the thing is I got bored, googled some random word, and at some point I was reading some blog about blogging. I thought to myself: "Ok! I'll start one". Now, you might think blogging is just signing up to blogspot.com or any other blogsite and just type away. Anyway that was what I thought. Googling "blogging" I found out I was totally wrong. A blog is not just a blog. You have to personalize it as much as possible. It has to serve as a kind of online mirror for your personality. It really has to stand out for people starting to even considering reading your blog. Of course you can just use a standard template and call it Leo's Blog or whatever your name might be, but don't think you're gonna get tons of hits that way. Anyway that was what all different articles told me. I'm no expert so of course I can't tell. Anyway. It has taken me around 4 days just to make my first blogpost, simply because I want people to read my blog. I want people to come back and check for new updates. I might even be able to make some money on my blog at some point? Who knows? (I've read tons of articles on that also, and I really don't think I'm gonna be a millionaire this way).Well. One thing every single article seemed to agree on is, you have to read the best blogs out there in order to become a better blogger. So I will from now on start reading the best of the best. Maybe I might even end up on one of these lists someday? Who knows?

Until then, hope you keep following my progress up the ranks.

Franck Sidenius

P.s If  you know some "must-read" blogs I should read, please feel free to send me a link.

1 kommentarer:

Patricia Santi sagde ...

Hi Frank!
Welcome to bloggers world! It took me more than four days to crate my blogs, so don't worry! I met your blog at the discussion board on facebook networkesblogs! Im glad to be your first reader, and I do hope you be my follower too. I m from Argentina, so, I m afraid my blogs are in spanish, but you can always look at my photo gallery!
Bye for now!

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