25. februar 2010


Yes. I am on tilt. I have lost so much the last couple of days so bye bye milestone. I can't tell you what went wrong. It just started to happen from one second to another. For one whole day I lost every single hand I was playing. Or at least it felt like that. I even had a mate checking my game and looking me over the shoulder while playing, just to comment my game. Even he took a break from poker after my day. This stream of bad hands, frustration and the fact my opponents outplayed me suddenly has continued ever since. I have decided to take a break from poker. I don't know for how long, hopefully not to long, but I feel I need to press the refresh button and just don't play as long as I am frustrated. I am kind of embarrassed about my tilt and the fact I'm actually down to around $40 again. IT FREAKING SUCKS!!!  
I am going to spend some time on my other big hobby, music, the next couple of days instead of playing poker. I'm going to take some loooong walks with my dog on the beach to gather up the thoughts. And when my mind is clear and no more bad thoughts are running through my head I will continue my challenge. I don't feel like it now and don't want to risk it all because I have readers. No offence. You readers are important to me though, so I will still update my blog, but it is just not about my challenge. Might even update with some music or just some regular thoughts now and then. Hope you all understand this decision. 

Good luck on the tables.
Franck Sidenius

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22. februar 2010

Milestone reached.

Today at 22:13 I reached the first milestone of the Sidenius Challenge. I managed to move up one level. Now some might think this means I reached $80 and I'm allowed to play $0.02 - $0.04, but no! On the site I play we don't have $0.02 - $0.04. The next step up from $0.01 - $0.02 on this site is $0.03 - $0.06, so this means my roll is even bigger. I have managed to play it to $120 so far. I had a day of from the tables yesterday. I decided it was about time I had a day just having fun with my girlfriend instead. It has been a long time since I haven't turned on the computer and thought about poker, so it really was nice. So today it was just one of those days where everything works out. I have played mostly sng, and to be honest I think I have cashed in around 80%. So that is really good. Might also be the reason I have been able to reach the first milestone today. I have nothing more to add. Just wanted to update all of you about the status of my bankroll.

Have a nice day at the tables.

Franck Sidenius

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20. februar 2010

A nice boost.

Well I did play the $1000 GTD yesterday but unfortunately without luck. There is not really much to say about that tourney. It did not go as planned. Did not really catch any good hands and had to play some marginal hands when blinds got higher. Can't really sit and just wait for the aces you know. So today when I logged in, my roll was still $13.47 and I started the day with a couple of 6 handed $0.25+0.02 sit n' go's. I didn't start out to good, (6-3rd place in the first 5), so decided to play some cash instead. I sat down at 4 $0.01-$0.02 tables with $2 on each. So $8 on the tables total  and $4.12 left on the account. Some might say this is a bit risky, but I do prefer to multitable cashgames. I tend to get bored if not and play marginal hands, and we don't want that do we? Well again not much to say about the cashgames. It went as it should. Everything actually went as it should. My bluffs worked out perfect, my good hands did win and coinflips usually went my way. I took a small break after reaching $25 and looked through my hands to analyze my play a little. One thing I did notice was I in this session protected my blinds a lot more than I usually do. I played back on raises and when people decided to limp I raised. Of course not every time, but more than normal. This actually has turned out to be a good play for me, so I will keep on doing that.

Well a couple of hours later I spotted a $200 GTD with 24 players and 25 players was needed in order to get it going so I decided to give it a try. Only money to top 5 so decided to play only it tight. I folded hands like small pairs, AQs and one time even JJ when people raised. This tight image was a really big advantage as soon as I reached the final table. For some reason people started to play really really tight when blinds become fairly big, so I decided to do the exact opposite. Raised 9Ts, 56s and even bluffed a guy out of a pot with nothing more than 85o on a J7A flop.

Later on we ended up 3-handed. We did all have around 50K but with blinds at 4K and 8K, considering our stacks, it was really a hold em or fold em situation for all of us. I look down into K9s and decide to shove. BB says he has to make the call this time and shows up QT. With a Q77r flop I needed a K to take it down, but a 2 on the turn and a 9 on the river didn't help me. So out in 3rd place granting me $32. It's not a lot compared to the $80 for 1st place, but it really was a nice boost to my roll. 

I'm done playing for today and with a bankroll of $56.61 I am really satisfied how it all turned out. I'm now going to rail my friend Slutaments on FTP, playing the FTOPS 2.5 Mill. GTD. Good luck to him, hope he takes it down.

Franck Sidenius

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19. februar 2010


So those who have read my last blogpost know I'm about to make 5 $ grow to 5K. Well at least I'm trying to. I have so far had a hell, pardon my language, a hell of a ride. I started out yesterday with 5 dollars on action poker and sat down at a $0.01 - $0.02 table with 2 dollars. I started out pretty good as people here tend to be pretty loose, and I choose to play it pretty tight, and play my positions. After around 10 hands or so I look into AA in BB. I'm sitting 6 handed by the way. UTG raises to 10 cent, and every one calls. I think to myself I don't want to many people in this pot so decide to just put everything to the middle. I have around $1.97. UTG calls, fold, fold button calls, and small blind folds. I don't remember exactly how much the pot ended up in, but I was happy when I looked at my opponents hands. UTG had AJ and button with TQ. Nothing dangerous on the flop, turn or river and I ended up with around $6.20. As my rules state I have to leave with more than 50% of my original buy in, so I did. Now my roll was 9.20 or there about. (Don't worry. I will be better at remembering the exact numbers). I decided to buy in to a $1 MTT. It was a $50 GTD. 4 handed and only around 20 players. Well I ended up in 4th place, after being shortstack nearly the whole tourney. I won only $.5.20 dollars and was now up $14.40. I went to sleep a happy man. Well, today variance caught up with me. I started out 2-tabling some $0.01 - $0.02 with $2 on both tables. Now every poker player loves to have 1 or 2 donkeys at the table. But those who say they would love a whole table of donkeys aren't clever. Sorry if I offended anyone. 2 donkeys are great. A whole table full of maniacs just becomes annoying. I ended up all in on both tables with AA on one and KK on another. (Not the same time). AA got cracked by 99, he caught 99 on the flop so not much to do there. I just wrote nh and reloaded. On the other table my KK got cracked by 82o? Don't get why people move all in with these hands. Anyway, I again just said nh and reloaded. After some hands again I was down to around $7. I decided to play a $1 MTT. 100 GTD 40 players, 6 ITM. In this tourney I was at the table with a real maniac. (He told every one he had to go and kept going all in, but ended up playing the whole tourney and win). Well, as said before he went all in every hand. He knocked out one guy after another with bad hands. One time he did have a good hand though. I will give him that. I am around average with 17 players left looking down in to 99. I know he is going all in but I'm out of position so I just call in order to see what every one else does. Folding the whole way around. I call his all in and smile when I see he's holding J4o. Flop comes 275. So far so good. Turn brings a 4. I'm still good. River puts down an ugly 4. Bye bye Franck. I really got pissed, and maybe I should have quit for today. I ended up tilting on the cash games also and actually went down to $1.5 at one point. (Don't worry I was keeping my own rules). Well I did play on and I'm glad I did. Variance did turn around again, and my good hands did hold up against the weak. My bankroll is currently $13.47 and I'm in a $1000GTD with a $1 buy in. Cross your fingers and my roll might get a good boost today. Anyway I'm quite happy with me doubling the roll the first two days. 

Franck Sidenius

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18. februar 2010

The "Sidenius challenge"

Most poker players know the challenge Chris "Jesus" Ferguson put up for himself in 2007. For those who don't, you can read everything about in on http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/da/chris-ferguson-challenge. Now, what I'm about to do is nearly the same, except for the numbers. I'm not going to play a BIG FAT 0 in to 10K. My challenge is going to be a bit easier. I will give you a couple of reason why I'm not making the exact challenge as Ferguson did.

  1. Ferguson is a pro, I'm not.
  2. In order to achieve a goal, it need to be realistic.
  3. There is no third reason.
My goal is going to be from 5€ to 5000€. I will have no time limit do this. This challenge may take 14 days, (I highly doubt it) or it may take a year. I will of course as Chris Ferguson did, have some sort of rules to follow in order to achieve this goal. 

The rules are as followed:

  1. I am not allowed to play short stack strategy: I must buy in with maximum buy in.
  2. I will never buy into a cash game or a Sit & Go for more than 5 percent of my total bankroll; the only exception is at the lowest limits: I'm allowed to buy into any game with a buy-in of $2.50 or less.
  3. I'm not allowed to buy into any multi-table tournaments for more than 2 percent of my total bankroll; the only is was $1 MTTs
  4. If at any point my stack reaches more than 50 % of my buy in, I must leave the table.
  5. If at any point my stack reaches below 25 % of my buy in, I must either reload or leave the table.
With this set of guidelines I will try to reach 5K.

I hope you will follow my journey through the limits, cheer for me when I'm doing good and support me when I'm not.

Franck Sidenius

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15. februar 2010

Poker passion.

People often ask me: "How can you use more than 3 hours everyday on poker?" "How can you spend so much time on a game playing for money?" Well the answer is quite simple. Poker is more than just a game for me. It's a passion. I don't use 3 hours playing poker only. I read it, watch it, discuss it and learn it. Everyday I strive to be a better player, and that is also the reason why I am a winning player. Or at least that is what I used to be. The thing is... The last, well... 5 month my game has turned around.

You know the phrase: "Don't drink drive!" 
The same thing goes for poker. Don't drink and play. Don't smoke and play. Don't play when your tired. Don't play when your mind is not set. In fact. Only play with a clear head and remember to always have a plan and a goal, and stick to it. It doesn't help to have a plan if you don't stick to it. Trust me. I really do know what I'm talking about. If you told yourself to leave the table when you are up 10 Big Blinds, then do it. Don't stay at the table to take that two cents or one dollar more. It might be you who end up loosing that one dollar, and we wouldn't want that to happen.

Anyway,. After spending a whole lot of hours thinking about my downswing's and analysing my play and mistakes I wanted to start playing again. So, what do you do when you're a poor student? I went to my dear friend Google and typed in the words: "Free bankroll", and boy did I get some sweet deals. I have now been able to start playing again without putting my own money at risk. Wish me good luck! 

Franck Sidenius

I have, to make it easier for you, made a list of the best deals out there.
  • YPC - Your Poker Cash.
  • Link - http://www.yourpokercash.com/addby/9ec803
Your Poker Cash was started by a group of poker players in 2004 and has quickly become the biggest free poker money site on the internet. YPC are quick to fund your account with cash. They also have freerolls ($1000+) for all there members to take part in.

Sites: Titan Poker, Party Poker, Absolute Poker, Cake Poker, Ultimate Bet, Full Tilt Poker.
  • PokerStrategy.com - The Professional Poker School.
  • Link - http://www.pokerstrategy.com/uOFR5R
PokerStrategy.com is  poker school & community - i.e. a place where you can learn poker from the very basics to advanced levels. This is supported by a community with active forums in 18 different languages - because interaction & collaborative learning plays an important role in becoming a good poker player. On top of that, PokerStrategy.com offers you a way to start your career without risking your own money: on passing a quiz, you can get $50 on a poker room of your choice. And most successful players at PokerStrategy.com built their bankroll on just these initial $50.

Sites: Pacific Poker, Party Poker, Bet365, PokerStars, Cake Poker,  Full Tilt Poker, etc.

  • Bankroll Mob.
  • Link - http://www.bankrollmob.com/?t=5229
At Bankroll Mob you'll find probably some of the best no deposit bonus bankrolls and deposit bonuses available on the net! Furthermore Bankroll Mob is a poker bankroll community where every action you make matters, for example if you post in forums or you submit poker articles you earn points instantly! After you have reached 5000 points you get 50$ Free Money payable via Neteller, MoneyBookers, or poker transfer!

Sites: Titan Poker, Noble Poker, Players Only, Celeb Poker,  Bwin Poker, etc.
  • High Pulse Poker.
  • Link - http://www.highpulsepoker.com/cgi-bin/sc.pl?hpaffcode=HP225
High Pulse Poker is not a bankroll site as all the other sites but a new site offering four freerolls every hour throughout the Beta launch. The prize pools will be ranging from 10$ to 1,000$! You will be able to see how many ‘total convertible dollars’ also called Beta Winnings you have won by pressing the tab "my account" when you are at a poker table. The winnings you win in the freerolls is our 'bonus' to you for helping us test our software; and they can be converted to real dollars when we launch in the beginning of 2010. Furthermore your also become an affiliate at sign up, and you can already now start to sign up your friends in the High Pulse Poker affiliate program. Do it now in order to be in the best possible position to make money when we launch for REAL MONEY in the spring of 2010! 

Sites: High Pulse Poker. 

Terms And Conditions
Most of the offers listed will require you to complete a quiz but be mindful that you only get five tries. During registration it is required by some offers to call you through an automated service or by a live person. This call is FREE to everyone. To qualify for free poker cash offer you MUST be a new member to the poker room of choice. All your personal details will remain private. Some offers require a photo identification to be sent to them through email or from their site. An example would be a picture of your passport.

online poker

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13. februar 2010

Expert Blogging - How to?

A few days ago I decided to make a blog! Yes! Everyone does it so why not me? It was not like it just came to me, but the thing is I got bored, googled some random word, and at some point I was reading some blog about blogging. I thought to myself: "Ok! I'll start one". Now, you might think blogging is just signing up to blogspot.com or any other blogsite and just type away. Anyway that was what I thought. Googling "blogging" I found out I was totally wrong. A blog is not just a blog. You have to personalize it as much as possible. It has to serve as a kind of online mirror for your personality. It really has to stand out for people starting to even considering reading your blog. Of course you can just use a standard template and call it Leo's Blog or whatever your name might be, but don't think you're gonna get tons of hits that way. Anyway that was what all different articles told me. I'm no expert so of course I can't tell. Anyway. It has taken me around 4 days just to make my first blogpost, simply because I want people to read my blog. I want people to come back and check for new updates. I might even be able to make some money on my blog at some point? Who knows? (I've read tons of articles on that also, and I really don't think I'm gonna be a millionaire this way).Well. One thing every single article seemed to agree on is, you have to read the best blogs out there in order to become a better blogger. So I will from now on start reading the best of the best. Maybe I might even end up on one of these lists someday? Who knows?

Until then, hope you keep following my progress up the ranks.

Franck Sidenius

P.s If  you know some "must-read" blogs I should read, please feel free to send me a link.

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