23. april 2010

Back on track!

Yes! I am back, and I am here to stay... It has been such a long time since my last blogpost. I haven't really felt like playing or writing lately, and I have used my time to study musics and literature instead. This long pause really gave me the boost I needed. In the period of my pause I didn't even read or watch anything that had something to do with poker. I even deleted all poker related material on my computer. I kind of thought I was done for good, but it turned out I just needed a loooong good break from the stress of poker.

Well as mentioned before this break did me nothing but good. I feel refreshed, and that was exactly what was needed. Those of you  who have followed my blog and my way from 5-5K no how I was doing last time I played. Everything just failed for me. That is now history my friends. I have found my A game again, and I on a really good run. I haven't had any really special hands I want to share. Well, maybe there is some, but I haven't studied my play so far. I am on a run, and as long as I am on this run I wont use my time on studying, but just play. My bankroll is now on $137.34 and hopefully my run will continue, so I will be able to smash NL 10 very soon. This was just my short update, and I will soon update you on my way to 5K.

Franck Sidenius

1 kommentarer:

Chris sagde ...

Dear Franck,

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Also an easy way for you to get updated about what keeps the players awake per poker website.

Kind regards,

Chris Kuipers

My website: http://www.maxomundo.com
Follow me on twitter: maxomundo

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